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NetBox Plugin Ideas

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Showing 26 of 26

Tracking cost for inventory tracked by netbox

Dedicated plugin to track all the site NRC cost, per-rack NRC/MRC cost, per device NRC cost as well as per circuit NRC/MRC cost. This will be helpful to track the ground truth of cost related information, which could later be referenced by other c...
Guest over 1 year ago in Data Model Extensions 5 Discussion

Three phase load balancing

Give each power feed a clear indication of which phase it is connected to. Whenever a designer/admin decides to connect a specific device to a certain power feed, they should get feedback on how well the maximum load (and ideally typical load) is ...
Guest 11 months ago in Data Model Extensions 0 Discussion

Application a collection of services

Provide a Application Model which would consist of one or more services/applications.
Jose A over 1 year ago in Data Model Extensions 0 Discussion

Connection to Icinga/Nagios or NRPE

This plugin should use the Icinga/Nagioos API to get and set information of a device. or Use the NRPE plugin environment to get lifetime information from the devices to show the status of a monitored resource.
Victoria Laux about 1 year ago in Monitoring 0 Discussion

Ansible Facts Plugin

We should have a plugin that accepts all the data from a simple ansible facts scan by device. Within the Plugin, each field should utilize a checkbox, which would enable/disable it in the Device view. To take things a little further, we could have...
Joe Oster 10 months ago in Automation 1 Discussion

Public IPv4 space value tracker

This plugin would integrate with the API of a public IP space broker (TBD) to display the estimated market value of each public IPv4 prefix recorded in NetBox. A single view listing the dollar value for each prefix is probably sufficient. Values c...
Jeremy Stretch almost 2 years ago in Data Model Extensions 0 Discussion