It'd be great to have the ability to track cross-connects and their utilization from MMRs to MDFs from MDFs to IDFs from MMRs to the data center floor, from OSP to ISP, etc.
We should have a plugin that accepts all the data from a simple ansible facts scan by device. Within the Plugin, each field should utilize a checkbox, which would enable/disable it in the Device view. To take things a little further, we could have...
Joe Oster
10 months ago
in Automation
Give each power feed a clear indication of which phase it is connected to. Whenever a designer/admin decides to connect a specific device to a certain power feed, they should get feedback on how well the maximum load (and ideally typical load) is ...
This plugin should use the Icinga/Nagioos API to get and set information of a device. or Use the NRPE plugin environment to get lifetime information from the devices to show the status of a monitored resource.
Victoria Laux
about 1 year ago
in Monitoring
The ability to select a souce rack and a destination rack and have NetBox identify possible routes from nearby front ports, through connected rear ports from the source (or nearby) to the destination (or nearby).
A way to model x509 Certificates such as client certificates used in mTLS, server, intermediate (chain), and root certificates. Details about the certificates could include but not limited to items under the structure of x509 digital certificates ...
Real-time monitoring of routers, switch pdus and virtual machines, providing information on the status of the interface, services (bandwidth, type, etc.)
The OSP plugin for Netbox helps network operators and data centers have a single source of truth for all their outside plant assets, including outdoor cables, fiber splice boxes, CWDM/DWDM MUXs and OADMs), and the ODFs that terminate those outdoor...
Create the ability to split or merge IP subnets in the IPAM for easier management and assignment of prefixes. Most other IPAMs support this functionality.
I am the author of a the GPON plugin for Netbox but I have let the project slowly die as I have moved on to a new position. I have been approached by several ISPs to revitalize the PON project and even sell the plugin. I am unfortunately too busy ...